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Tip of the Week: Backup Your Personal Files With Google Drive Backup

Consumers can now take full advantage of a data backup system that’s both affordable and convenient, allowing them to keep their data as safe as can be in the event of a disaster. While it might not be ideal for business purposes, the average PC user can surely benefit from Google Drive’s new backup system, which b2ap3_large_drive_personal_backup_400takes advantage of the Backup and Sync application.

Just keep in mind that we are only talking about Google Drive as a backup solution for the average PC user. If your business wants to keep downtime to a minimum and maximize data recovery, you should implement an enterprise-level backup and disaster recovery solution. Call us today and ask about we can provide comprehensive data backup and fast recovery options for your organization.

Backup and Sync is the latest version of Google Drive. It allows your users to back up files or folders on their desktops by sending them to Google Drive. This is great for users that want a free way to keep backups of their photos, videos, and media. Google even tells its users that this is only intended for consumers, as well as encourages its G-Suite customers to wait for their upcoming Drive File Stream services.

Backup and Sync is available for users of Google Drive for PC and Mac. Just keep in mind that using your Backup and Sync application to take backups of your videos and photos will probably end with you exceeding your free Drive space provided by Google.

One last thing to think about for any business owner, however, is that you should discourage employees from storing company data locally on their workstations. Files should be stored on your company network whenever possible, especially if they need to be accessed by multiple employees. Plus, there’s always a chance that an employee on bad terms may set up Google Drive Backup to snag all of the data located on their workstation.