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Blog Technology

Hooray Internet Explorer End of Life Support Is Coming!

This Is Goodbye Internet Explorer

Let’s begin the celebration! Microsoft recently announced all Internet Explorer versions 10 and lower will no longer be supported beginning January 12th, 2016. The announcement comes as Microsoft has began focusing on the company’s newest browser Edge. Microsoft is in the process of removing Internet Explorer on future PCs and begin pushing Edge as the new Windows browser. Edge is the web browser that comes shipped with Windows 10. Windows operating systems like blog-internet-explorer-is-saying-goodbyeWindows 7 and 8 cannot download Edge. Older versions of Windows will have Internet Explorer 11, which will continue to have support in the foreseeable future. As Microsoft slowly nudges users to the most recent stable version of Internet Explorer and reward early adopters of Windows 10 with Edge, the tech industry can finally begin to standardize for 2, eventually 1, web browser.

Why We’re Excited Support Is Ending

There are numerous, positive reasons for getting rid of Internet Explorer. For years, web designers have had to program custom solutions to resolve anomalies that only Internet Explorer encountered. Same can be said for system administrators. On many occasions, IT professionals have to find absurd solutions in order to allow IE 9, for example, to work with antiquated software. There’s been times a customer of ours has to work on an older version of Internet Explorer because the website’s software only supports Internet Explorer 9. Situations like these can make an IT professional lose his hair and can be a major security concern. Now that Microsoft is cutting support for Internet Explorer, businesses that run programs on older versions will have to update the software components to be compatible with the latest version of Internet Explorer.

The countdown to Internet Explorer support has officially began. The good news about ending support for older versions will help keep fragmentation low and begin to consolidate Microsoft browsers into one moving forward. A welcome to all IT and web developers.